Thursday, December 13, 2012

My curly topped sweet peas

Meet Jonesy

Nicknames.  They come from all sorts of starts. They morph.  They can be embarrassing.  They can stick or fade away.  Olivia Lynn Castaneda.  AKA  Livvie.  Livvie Lynn.  To my dad she is "Bug".  I tend to drop all kinds of shmoopy lovey names on her.  Sugar pie.  Love.  Angel.  Mama.  Little Mama was a favorite of Jorge's for a long time.  when she was a baby, I called her Doodle a lot. If you ask her her name, she says Olivia.I tend to call her LIV most of the time. I call them both Bubba...

Lola Grace Castaneda.  The year she was born, Lolo Jones was an Olympian.  She was gorgeous and got a lot of press for being a virgin.  So hearing her name a lot, we started calling Lola, LOLO JONES.  It morphed into Lolo Jonesy.  Livvie added Lolo Jonesy Booger.  I have taken to calling her simply Jonesy.  Her school calls her Lolita.  So Jonesy Booger is our sweet gorgeous spunky baby.
Poor name.  I hope it sticks, but in some ways I hope it doesnt. 

Olivia's Santa-isms

This is the first year that Olivia seems to really get Santa.  Last year, she wasn't comfortable visiting him, so we did a walk-by at Fashion Square and she waved.  They gave her a book, so she spent a lot of time talking about that.   This year, cousin Liz was here for Thanksgiving with Garrett and Jami, Whitney Kyler and a friend Courtney.  So at the mall, Liz was willing to do a Santa pic with Liv.  Lola got in there too.  (conveniently barefoot, Love that).  Liv told Santa she wanted her Sparkly Princess make-up.  His reply:  "Oh,  you don't need make up!"  Ummm, to a toddler the expression "you don't need that" means No, as in a grocery store visit where she asks for every sweet... and is told she doesn't need it.  So she broke down as she stepped away from Santa since he essentially told her no to her Christmas wish.  Good thing my three year old is of understanding that sometimes an "expression" is used.  We had a good long talk about how he didn't really mean no.  UGH.  Come on Santa.  I know you meant well, but thanks for nothing.

That night, we were at Zoolights.  Another Santa was there.  She didn't notice that it wasn't the SAME Santa.  This one in a sleigh. She HAD to see him, so Jorge took her.  This Santa managed to poke her in her eye with his gloved finger trying to move her hair.  But after her visit, she wanted to stay.  She wanted to wait until he flew away in the sleigh.  Of course. 
Three is such a fun age.  The zoo also had a big talking giraffe.  She was convinced it was real and she really liked it. 

Last night, Olivia had a major meltdown tantrum.  We have been battling those since October.  The tantrums began right around the time she has become officially potty-trained.  She hates the number two.  Hates it.  So she holds it.  To the point of pain and constipation and emergency room trips and enemas.  Good times.  It sets her off, and often coupled with being over-tired.  Such was the case last night, with a 90 minute-fit.  New technique is moving her to her carseat in the garage, where the light is on and i can see her from the doorway.  Letting her be in her room doesn't work now since she keeps opening the door and then I have to physically return her and I don't like being physical with her when she's going nuts.  Plus, with Lola trying to sleep the screaming makes everyone so tense and upset.  So she gets the restraint and safety and quiet of the car seat.  it worked better.  Anyway, after her fit last night we were talking about how Santa feels about fits.

Me:  So I am going to have to tell Santa about this fit.  I know he is going to be sad, he wants to be able to bring you presents. 
Olivia:  He can.  I will be no fits all the way to Christmas.
Me:  I hope so. I know you can.
Olivia:  Well, I wont be here for Christmas anyway.  (tone increasingly tude-ish.)
Me:  huh?
Olivia:  Because mom, I'm going to Oregon.  And Oregon is very special.  Everyone who is in Oregon, Santa brings presents.

My child has created her own Santa Loophole for her fits. Sigh.  Master manipulator.